
Hipster Hitler

Funny blog about Hitler if he were a hipster. I particularly like his t-shirts.

Read the comics at hipsterhitler.com


Merry Christmas Everybody !

Dear friends, fans and readers of POTD,

I would love to take the time to wish you all a very merry christmas on this lovely snowy winter’s day.
Before I convey my wishes to you I would like to thank you for visiting my blog on such a regular basis. It gives me pleasure to see so many of you like the blog and discover new things through it. That and the fact that POTD can put even the slightest smile on your faces, give me the drive to continue posting.

As for the wishes; I hope you have a warm evening with your families and enjoy the overload of food with a good glass of wine. Pay extra special attention to the older relatives in the family, they are the wisest and can give you golden advice. Listen to it, because they might be gone sooner than you might want. Say “I love you” to everyone that deserves it. Not a drunk “I love you”, but a sincere one.

I hope this year you get to make new friends, not just on Facebook, but you know, the real kind. The kind you can go out with, have fun with, laugh with, have insiders with and even maybe when it has to come to it, cry with.

I hope you have the job of your dreams. A job with fun colleages where you can be one of the links in the chain to help the company reach the goals that it is striving for.
For the people still studying, I hope you succeed and get to say “so long” to the pain in the ass teachers.

I hope you will make plans with the love of your life, for tonight, for tomorrow, for the rest of your lives together.
For the ones who haven’t found their soulmate yet, I hope you will find him/her without looking for them.

And last but not least, I wish you and your beloved ones a healthy body to hug eachother with love on Jesus’ Birthday !



Pimp Your Visa with Pantone

Pimp your Visa card with the Pantone Color of the Year 2011: PANTONE 18-2120 Honeysuckle.
Get other colors here.


Wish Upon A Sheet Of Paper

It's that time of the year again and there is no better timing to write down your goals and wishes for the new year. These clipboards from artist Maiko Kuzunishi are the perfect gift idea for the season. Each clipboard comes with a notepad and pencil that says “Make my wishes come true” or “I will achieve my goals”. What are your goals and wishes?


Merry Christmas from the North Point's iBand

These guys use their iPads and iPhones to play a medley of Christmas Classics.
Check out the video !


Cedric Rivrain as Carrie Bradshaw

Fashion Illustrator Cédric Rivrain spoofs Carrie Bradshaw in Double Magazine.

See more of his work here.